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Leyla Yıldırım

Leylâ YILDIRIM was born in Ankara in 1979. After finishing her studies in Ankara, she decided that she would like to become an author and spent almost six years ‘as an exile’, to use her own expression, trying to master her craft and find the right story. She insists that authors don’t choose subjects to write about, the subjects find them.

Unfulfilled Promises is her second novel. It was originally written in Turkish in two volumes. Her previous novel, As Sade, As Tunus was an immediate success which encouraged her to tackle the epic Great War as the background to Unfulfilled Promises.

Her last novel, Kaleidoscope has been finished and is in the process of being published.

Her Works:

As Sade, As Tunus


Unfulfilled Promises 1:

Unfulfilled Promises 2:

Other books by the author

As Sade, As Tunus
Unfulfilled Promises 1
Unfulfilled Promises 2
Unfulfilled Promises
-Istanbul / Travel Different
-Unfulfilled Promises
-Secrets of Istanbul
-Tome of Istanbul
-Windows From Istanbul
-My Istanbulin
-Sultana Mahperi
-Brothers of the Same Land
-Unfulfilled Promises 2
-Unfulfilled Promises 1
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